Tìm Hiểu Về Rong Xoắn Ốc (SPIRULINA PLATENSIS)(14/9/04)

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LTS. Nhờ ông Thái Minh (Japan) tra cứu và cho biết Rong Xoắn Ốc có tên khoa học là SPIRULINA PLATENSIS. Chúng tôi có kèm bài nói về thứ rong đặc biệt này bằng tiếng Anh. Chúng tôi xin chân thành đa tạ Ông Thái Minh.

Quý vị có thể tìm chữ : SPIRULINA PLATENSIS trên Internet để đọc thêm tài liệu hay tìm cách mua Viên thuốc "rong" xoắn ốc này. Dưới đây là hình ảnh "Rong Xoắn Ốc" và bài viết

Rong xoắn ốc là gì

"Rong xoắn ốc (RXO) có tên là Spirulina Platensis (tiếng Pháp là Spiruline), là môt loại rong có mầu xanh (blue-green) tìm được trong các hồ ào có hoá chất gần những vùng có núi lửa. Đó là món thực phẩm quen thuộc của người Phi châu và Mễ Tây Cơ. RXO chứa 62% chất hữu cơ, chứa nhiều sinh tố B thiên nhiên đặc biệt là B-12 nhất lại có rất nhiều chất carotene (sinh tố trong cây càrốt). RXO có cái vỏ bên ngoài mềm và có nhiều chất đường và chất đạm. RXO còn có tác dụng ngăn chặn và chống tế bào ung thư, vi khuẩn AIDS trên thân thể người và loài vật. Các khoa học gia và bác sĩ y khoa còn cho biết là RXO còn làm hệ thống đặc miễn trong cơ thể mạnh mẽ hơn và làm tế bào trong máu tăng trưởng.

Hàng triệu người trên thế giới đang dùng RXO được nuôi trồng một cách khoa học trong các trang trại đạc biệt. Hoa Kỳ, theo sau là Thái Lan, Ấn Độ và Trung Quốc là những quốc gia sản xuất loại RXO này.

Hiện nay trong các Health Foods ví dụ Wild Oats Store đều có bán thuốc viên Spirulina loại 300mg và 500mg. Quý vị có thể tìm đến các tiệm đó để tìm hiểu thêm và mua.

Muốn tham khảo thêm xin bạn đọc truy tầm trang web www. spirulina.com / SPLNews96.html "

This is Frontier's nitrogen-flushed double wall silverfoil pack. Some Frontier packs are double wall wax-lined paper.

Spirulina is a single-celled, spiral-shaped blue-green microalgae that is often called a 'superfood' because of its nutrient-density.

A highly digestible food, spirulina is at least 60% vegetable protein, which is predigested by the algae. It is higher in protein than any other food.

1 tsp of Spirulina contains 280% DV Beta Carotene, 110% B12, 15% Iron, 2% Calcium and no fat.

Its outstanding nutritional profile also includes the essential fatty acids, GLA fatty acid, lipids, the nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), B complex, vitamin C and E and phytochemicals, such as carotenoids, chlorophyll (blood purifier), and phycocyanin (a blue pigment), which is a protein that is known to inhibit cancer. The carotenoids and chlorophyll may also contribute to Spirulina's anticancer and apparent immunogenic effects.

  • Spirulina is two to six times richer in B12 than its nearest rival, raw beef liver.

  • Spirulina is 58 times richer than raw spinach in iron.

  • Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Vitamin E. It's 3 times richer than raw wheat germ and its biological activity is 49% greater than synthetic vitamin E.

  • Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Beta-Carotene (Pro Vitamin A). It's 25 times richer than raw carrots. Unlike the preformed vitamin A of synthetics and fish liver oils, beta-carotene is completely nontoxic even in mega doses.

  • Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Antioxidants. It contains a spectrum of every natural antioxidant known, including: the antioxidant vitamins B-1 and B-6; the minerals zinc, manganese and copper; the amino acid methionine; and the superantioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin E and trace element selenium.

  • Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). Its oils are 3 times richer in GLA than evening primrose oil. Studies have indicated that GLA helps lower blood cholesterol and high blood pressure and eases such conditions as arthritis, premenstrual pain, eczema and other skin conditions.

  • Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Chlorophyll - many times richer than alfalfa or wheat grass!

  • Spirulina is nature's richest whole-food source of Complete High-Biological Value Protein:

    • Spirulina - 60-70%
    • Soybeans - 30-35%
    • Beef - 18-22%
    • Eggs - 12-16%
    • Tofu - 8%
    • Milk - 3%

Spirulina Smoothie:

Try this with Cranberry juice and / or almond milk!

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup orange juice or other natural juice or concentrate
  • 1-3 teaspoons spirulina powder

Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth. Pour into a beautiful glass and drink. Makes a powerful breakfast or lunch.

Another Spirulina Smoothie:

  • 2 tbs. Spirulina Powder
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 can crushed pineapple
  • 1 can frozen orange juice
  • ½ cup water
  • Throw all ingredients in blender and mix until liquified. Tomatoes, kiwi, peeled apples or other fruit can be substituted. Makes about a blender full.
  • Serves: 3-4

Spirulina Ice Cream:


  • 1 cup raw almonds (soaked)
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1 cup chopped ice
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract
  • 4 drops peppermint extract
  • ¼ tsp. liquid stevia
  • 2 tbs Barley Green (or any green powder)
  • 2 tsp. spirulina
  • 4 tbs toasted Carob powder
  • 1 tbs flax oil
  • 3 frozen bananas

  • Peel and slice three ripe (lightly spotted) bananas and place them into a ziplock bag and put into the freezer until frozen solid.

  • Measure out 1 cup of raw almonds into a bowl and cover with water and allow to sit on the counter overnight.

  • Drain all liquid off of the almonds and place into a blender, add one cup of COLD water and run on high for about 2 minutes until it becomes a white liquid.

  • Add 1 cup of chopped ice, ½ tsp. of vanilla 4 drops of peppermint extract, ¼ tsp. of stevia, 1 tbs of flax oil (could use a combo of flax, borage and evening primrose instead) and mix on low until fairly well blended.

  • While blender is still running on lowest speed carefully add 2 tbs of barley green, 2 tsp. spirulina and 4 tbs carob powder right in the very center. (This will keep powders from ended up on the side of the blender jar instead of in your ice cream!)

  • Add the frozen banana slices and blend on high until it is creamy, like soft serve. You may need to turn blender off and mix by hand with a spoon occasionally.

  • Serves Three.

    Spirulina Dip:

    • 1 tbsp ginger
    • 12 soaked almonds (soak overnight, drain & rinse)
    • 2 tsp spirulina powder
    • 1 cup chopped parsley 1 tbsp lecithin
    • 6 cloves garlic 1 lemon juiced
    • 3 spring onions, chopped 3 tbsp tamari soy sauce
    • enough water to cover 4 tbsp brewers yeast
    • Blend and chill. Goes well with celery & carrot sticks or healthy chips.

    Banana Treats:

    • 4 mashed bananas 1 cup coconut
    • 1 cup ground sunflower seeds 2 tbsp lecithin
    • ½ cup soaked currants 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • ½ cup tahini or almond butter 2 tsp spirulina powder
    • 4 tbsp soy milk powder
    • Combine all ingredients. Make into balls or logs. Roll in coconut and chill.

    Filled Potatoes

    • 4 large baked potatoes ½ tsp chili powder
    • 2 onions dices 2 tsp ginger
    • 1½ cups corn, peas & celery 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil or 2 tsp dried
    • 2 tsp tamari soy sauce 2 tsp oregano
    • 2 tbsp brewers yeast 1 tbsp spirulina powder
    • Cut potatoes in half and scoop out potato from shell. Sauté remaining ingredients in ½ cup water (except spirulina).
    • Add the mixture to the potato, then add Spirulina powder. Put this mixture back in the shell and bake 15 minutes at 400°.
    • Can be topped with your own spirulina-laced garlic sauce.

    Spirulina - A Gift from Nature!

    The spiral formed microalgae is one of the richest whole food sources ever known. This tiny micro organism can live under conditions where other plants can't survive. It is in fact thriving in alcaline water and under the burning sun (like the soda lakes in middle Africa).

    A PLUS for young and old!

    This green gold has proven to be a valuable asset for the human nutrition. Even ancient cultures like the Aztecs have known about its value. Spirulina is a unique combination of nutrients. Delivering not only protein, but also vitamins, multimineral supplements and antioxidants.

    A big advantage:

    Spirulina is a natural product containing neither artificial colors nor preservatives nor flavourings. As an easily digestible food source it is rapidly absorbed by the blood stream and therefore an ideal supplement for athletes. But not only athletes do profit from the green gold. Everybody can use this algae for his own benefaction.

    The ideal combination of important nutritional factors:

    High quality organic protein up to 65%, with all 8 essential acids and 9 more amino acids. Josef's Spirulina contains nearly all essential nutrients (minerals, vitamins, etc.).

    How to use Josef's Spirulina

    The daily minimal dosage recommended is 3 x 3-5 tabs of Spirulina or 3 x 2-3 heaped tea spoons of Spirulina powder. You can alter the quantities to your liking whenever you want to. There are no negative effects known, even in long term use. On the contrary: It is virtually impossible to take to much Spirulina.

    You've got to get up early and can't spare the time for breakfast? Take your spoonful of Spirulina and you'll make it to dinner with no problems. You feel tired and have no energy for anything.

    Eat Spirulina with your yogurt or Muesli and you'll make it trough the day. Use in your soup, your salad, your fruit or vegetable juice. Use it for fastening, on travels, for sport, before exams, as an emergency ration.

  • Nguồn: www.quangduc.com

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